"The 'Zionist Entity', todays paper lion of chutzpah, has no choice but to apologize." POSTS FOR 8/21/11
Most shocking words of the day: Israel apologizes
Over the last decade or so Israel has been getting gradually weaker:
1.) Withdrawl from Lebanon.
2.) Withdrawl from Gaza strip.
3.) Mubaraks ZOG regime in Egypt falls to military hard-liners.
4.) ZOGs chief pit bull, the USA has, for lack of a better term, blown its loads in the Iraq and Afghani Wars and won't be able to help at all.
The 'Zionist Entity', todays paper lion of chutzpah, has no choice but to apologize.
It is very heartening to see this resistance here in my Pacific Northwest home-land!
Many people seem to think that this area is just one big blue state zone, but that is really only true in Portland and Seattle.
Outside of the multi-cultural urban zones, there are many, many Pacific Northwest White people with healthy instincts and sensible socio-political positions!
Originally Posted by Saqqara
Do most people experience physical feelings of repulsion to other races?
Is there something wrong with race-mixers that make them not experience these feelings?
They are genetic freaks:
Genetic similarity theory
Early in his career, Rushton did research on altruism. He theorized a heritable component in altruism and developed Genetic Similarity Theory, which is an extension of W. D. Hamilton's theory of kin selection. It holds that individuals tend to be more altruistic to individuals who are genetically similar to themselves even if they are not kin, and less altruistic, and sometimes outwardly hostile, to individuals who are less genetically similar. Rushton describes "ethnic conflict and rivalry" as "one of the great themes of historical and contemporary society", and suggests that this may have its roots in the evolutionary impact on individuals from groups "giving preferential treatment to genetically similar others." He says "the makeup of a gene pool [i.e., a human population's total reservoir of alternative genes] causally affects the probability of any particular ideology being adopted."
Originally Posted by Gruppenführer Glitter
You have a great user theme. I have to admit that I too was awakened to the importance of racialism during my childhood by watching many episodes of Transformers. The race war between Autobots and Decepticons, like the Mac vs. PC battle is clearly an allegory for the eternal struggle to preserve our whiteness from insidious Jewish deception.
There have in fact been people who have seriously proposed that many '80s cartoons are indeed an allegory of just that!
Super Mario and the Fugu Conspiracy
Posted on September 28, 2010 by Matt Parrott
Myths play a critical role in establishing patterns of thought which, if ingrained during the impressionable childhood years, play a decisive role in determining adult behavior. The invention of the television has had a profound effect on this process, largely replacing bible stories, European fairy tales, and the Classical fables with Jewish propaganda and third world garbage.
But movies aren’t the only way to brainwash a child. In fact, they’re not the best way. Video games provide a far more deeply engaged and repetitive process of immersion than any movie can provide. And on this front, the Jewish stranglehold on childhood brainwashing has been far from decisive. Maybe this is because early video games were primarily designed by the same groups who programmed them, reflecting the overwhelmingly White and Asian male demographics of the creators. Maybe this is because all “games” naturally favor the martial virtues: of honor, valor, courage, beauty, and excellence. Weakness, victimization, resentment, and self-pity can make for a tear-jerking Civil Rights movie, but it all makes for a boring video game.
Family Resemblance???It’s sort of incredible that so many in my own generation (born in the 80's) can be White Advocates after so much poison has been dumped into the academic and entertainment wells. But, having wasted practically my entire childhood playing Super Mario Brothers games, it may not be all that surprising: Working class White brothers team up against hordes of dark and sinister servants of their serpentine overlord on a valiant quest to rescue the blonde princess. This, in a nutshell, is how I envision our struggle and maybe, just maybe, this is exactly what those wily Japs intended.
Japan, being a martial nation which has struggled for centuries against “The Jews of the East“, intended during the imperial period of the 1930's to attract the Jews to settle in Manchuria, taking advantage of their vast wealth while leaving the Chinese to cope with the externalities. This plot, the Fugu Plan, was considered highly dangerous, since its failure could result in their subjugation to the Jewish oligarchs. Fugu is a poisonous fish which is considered a delicacy if prepared properly but will result in immediate death if not. Stalin supported this fishy scheme with the establishment of a Jewish Autonomous Oblast in the Russian Far East adjoining Manchuria.
The Jews, not being a stupid people, did not fall for this obvious trap.
We’re supposed to believe that the Japanese just gave up on the whole thing. But maybe, just maybe, their flooding of America with games and cartoons which reinforce martial values, depict all the characters in a harmonious mono-racial White society, and exhort us to step up and rescue our White girls is a more thoughtfully laid out and carefully executed plan to keep the West from falling entirely under Jewish control.
Originally Posted by Ken
They have more than enough unchallenged nuclear weapons to turn their neighbors into a glass parking lot, therefore, I'm not so sure this is the case.
If they unleash all those nukes on their neighbors they will just be down-wind from the fallout.
Also the Zionist Entity would assuredly become even more of a pariah then it is now. It is almost a dooms-day scenario for them to unleash their own nukes.
The semitic religions have been used to mentally dis-arm the White man.
Some have even become so warped as to believe that those hideous nose-creatures, the Jews, are in fact Gods Chosen people! What foolishness!
With such religion, it is easy to champion Atheism as a reasonable alternative.
This abandonment of Religion is a good trend.
Note that in Europe the most secular nations, like France, have the strongest Nationalist Parties like the Front National.