
"It seems that Christianity is simply incompatible with any form of racialism." POSTS FOR 8/18/11


Good observation.

It seems that Christianity is simply incompatible with any form of racialism.

Whites face a simple choice:

1.) Race


2.) Grace.

I have made my decision!



My Transformers generation one box set!

Also I would grab a gun! Probably my baretta 9mm Cougar.

The fire might have been started by a Black flash mob after all



1.) The French election soon will be between two Jews. What a choice! This story might be coming out now to try and attempt to shame the White French people into buying into this Jew-hydra-headed bogus 'democracy'
they are about to living under

2.) What is with the extreme adjectives used to described anti-semites? Rabid? A recent anti-Ron Paul rant penned by David Horowitz described Paul as a vicious anti-semite!

Why are there never 'relaxed anti-semites', or 'chillin anti-semites'???