
"Why support Beck then when one could instead support the likes of Jared Taylor or David Duke??!?!" POSTS FOR 8/26/11


Originally Posted by Monty
Mac blah blah iPod blah blah consumerist cult blah blah blah

There is a line of thought that one of the reasons Eastern European Communism collapsed in the late '80s is due to their failure to create modern PC-type electronics.

In Western First World Nation-States mid-level managers were working much more efficiently with their Apple IIes and C-64s then Slavs stuck with primative iron tools on collective farms.

We may have Steve Jobs, and even Bill Gates, to thank for having the (little) freedom we have right now.



Since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the New York Police Department has become one of the nation's most aggressive domestic intelligence agencies, targeting ethnic communities in ways that would run afoul of civil liberties rules if practiced by the federal government, an Associated Press investigation has found.

Perhaps in the future, such targeting of ethnic communities might be useful against the hostile community that has given us Jonathan Pollard, Michael Milken, Bernie Madoff, and Niven Shapiro!!

If it is ok to monitor Muslims that are causing a ruckus, well why not the same for the Jews???



Originally Posted by Starr
Amusingly I think these guys are being hired because people were noticing the lack of diversity on this lefty network.


That is probably True. Why does this plague of diversity have to infect everything?

Even with its leftist tilt, I have in the past enjoyed watching MSNBC just to see Contessa Brewer and Norah O'donell!

They will probably be replaced with Shaniqua Quantrill and Hermosa Sanchez soon...



Originally Posted by Clarence Potter
uncle adolf also lived in the past where racialist messages were common and accepted and with eugenics still accepted and mainstream in science.

Anyone still thinking we can get a 'mandate' from the dumbed down anti-racist masses of whites in america has their head up the ass of a donkey called "fantasy".

We are dealing with a different generation of whites.

Don't think that things are that bad. The ADL, SPLC and others have to work over-time to keep Whites down.

There are signs that many Whites do not buy into the anti-racist message. White Flight, Obamas falling poll numbers, and lilly White Tea Party rallies are all signs of an emergent racial consciousness.



Originally Posted by Starr
Angry white people, mostly males, who believe what lefties say about him, ie. he is a fanatical right winger and a racist even,etc. They need to believe there is someone out there who is standing up for people like them.

What a bunch of idiots!

Why support Beck then when one could instead support the likes of Jared Taylor or David Duke??!?!