"Sgt. Schultz is pretty funny. Would rather watch him then all the 'hollywood nazis'" POSTS FOR 8/15/11
Re: The cause and the spark that ignited the not so very English riots
Originally Posted by smashthefash View Post
This started because of police brutality, but it has now turned into a protest against the system.
Why do the English have to change their system, just to please new swarthy immigrants?
Also if these Africans are so unhappy in England, why don't they just go back to Africa? It is not that far.
Re: How do I bring my fiance into the fold?
Is she a reader?
Perhaps you could give her a White Nationalist-type book.
It is possible that she has just never had some source that has fully laid out 'the case' for White Nationalism.
Exposure to the information within may convince her to join the movement!
Some books I would recommend:
The Dispossessed Majority by Wilmot Robertson
Racism, Schmaism by James Edwards
Re: Questions about the word "Nazi"
Originally Posted by Anayansi View Post
Does the word Nazi have any positive connotations for the general public?
Only in the use of humor. Like that Soup Nazi on Seinfield.
Also Sgt. Schultz is pretty funny. Would rather watch him then all the 'hollywood nazis' one sees in the plethora of Jewish holo-hoax films!
Seriously though whenever White Nationalists speak of such things they should just use the term 'National Socialist' and forget these hebrew-wood created buzz-words!