
"there must be something to this Race thing." POSTS FOR 8/19/11


The White Race hungers for a racial leader! Even one who has been dead almost a century!




Have always been instinctively repulsed by racial miscegenation.

Growing up being exposed to the infamous campaigns of David Duke and the release of the 'Bell Curve' convinced me that there must be something to this Race thing.

Also in G. Gordon Liddys auto-biography 'Will' he explored his youthful admiration of Adolf Hitler. This helped to convince me that Uncle Adolf couldn't be all that bad if a popular radio hot like Liddy admired him at one time.

However decades ago these issues were not as pressing as hordes of Hispanics had not immigrated into the country yet.

Today, with Whites on the precipice or minority status and the victims of massive amounts of Black flash mobs, Race has become the central issue!



Wow they are even mining classics for sequels now!

Hebrew-wood is totally tapped out on creativity, everything is a darn sequel or re-boot of something done before!

This is why I like video-games, they are much more original!

For example:



There are many of these radio talkers out there competing with each other, they have to go farther and farther into politically incorrect 'forbidden' territory to get noticed and garner attention.

Hopefully this helps to chip away at the Berlin Wall of P.C. that has been erected by the Jewish cultural marxists!



Interesting interpretation.

Seems that other flicks by Kubrick were about other types of conspiracies as well. Such as 'Eyes Wide Shut' being about Secret Societies.




The Hollywood Jews better get to work fast on making another darkie/ China-man flick to help ease these racial tensions within their rainbow coalition arrayed against Whitey!



Originally Posted by Clancy
Cain is obviously a "token", but to say the Republican Party is racist, . I wish it was.

So true!

If the Republicans were as racist as Janeane Garofalo claims, then why did W. Bush and McCain both push so hard for Amnesty for illegals? (Mexicans!)

Also where are the Jesse Helmses of today? There aren't any!