
"In the end it all boils down to the Jews and ending their destructive influence." POSTS FOR 8/27/11


Originally Posted by Jimbo Gomez
Because American white people choose to make a big deal about such nonsense. Why complain about society's hypocrisy when your own kind's weakness is the primary source of this hypocrisy?

It is a weakness induced by the Jews!

Whites are mere victims!

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Cul...rit ique_1998



Originally Posted by Starr
Of course does the guy even want to be president or does he just want a platform for his saner views?

Perhaps he is laying a solid foundation for a future political dynasty!



Originally Posted by Jake Featherston
Its bad enough the poor man is obviously dying, but do they have to put him in a dress, too? What the fuck is wrong with this society? Are we to be spared nothing?!?

Maybe he is Scottish and it is a Kilt?

Or maybe he is just a Star Trek fan...


According to the book The Art of Star Trek, "the skirt design for men 'skant' was a logical development, given the total equality of the sexes presumed to exist in the 24th century."

The uniform was used primarily by background actors, though "Encounter at Farpoint" featured both Deanna Troi and Natasha Yar in skant-type uniforms, the latter only briefly. While Troi got a new look entirely for subsequent episodes (according to the Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion the uniform was referred to as the "Space Cheerleader" look), Yar remained in her jumpsuit uniform for the rest of her stay aboard the Enterprise, never donning the skant after the pilot episode. Male crewmembers wearing the skant were only seen in few episodes, "Encounter at Farpoint", "Haven", "Conspiracy", "Where No One Has Gone Before" and "11001001", though the footage seen in the last episode was re-used from "Where No One Has Gone Before". The skant was primarily seen in the first season, appearing only four times, worn with black trousers, in the second season episodes "The Child", "The Outrageous Okona", "The Schizoid Man", and "Samaritan Snare". After that it's final appearance was in the flashbacks during "All Good Things..."




Originally Posted by Clarence Potter
We need to quit blaming the jews for everything and call it like it is. Jews are a problem but our main problem is and has always been fellow whites.

A powerful intellectual White Nationalist disagrees with you, and has layed out the reality of the situation:

A century ago,
when Philadelphia still was a White city, a huge wave of Jewish
immigration to America from Eastern Europe was taking place. By 1900
there already were a million Jews in the United States, and more were
arriving at a rate of 40,000 a year. Almost as soon as they got off the
boat these Jews began elbowing their way into the mass media of news and
entertainment, buying up newspapers, theaters, magazines, and book
publishing companies. A few years later they were taking over Hollywood
and buying up radio stations, then television stations and TV-production
companies. They seemed to have an unerring instinct for what they needed
to do in order to destroy the new country in which they had arrived.

We had, of course, plenty of destructive undesirables of our own already
here. Even before the Civil War psychopaths such as John Brown murdered
their fellow Whites on behalf of Blacks and attempted to "equalize" the
races. After the Civil War we had even more hate-crazed egalitarians
attempting to punish Whites -- mostly White Southerners -- for being
better than Blacks. Some, like John Brown, justified their murderous
egalitarianism on Christian grounds, but after the Civil War and the
shameful policies directed against Southerners during the Reconstruction
period, there was no large-scale, systematic effort by Whites, Christian
or otherwise, to mongrelize and degrade America. We still had an
abundance of crazies and haters around, but without an organizing force
behind them they were a potential rather than an actual danger.

Such an organizing force appeared after the Jews had fastened their grip
on America's mass media of news and entertainment and brought the
lemmings under their influence. In fact, it really wasn't until after
the Second World War that the Jews pulled out all the stops and made the
destruction of White America their primary goal, enlisting our own worst
elements for assistance in that purpose.


In the end it all boils down to the Jews and ending their destructive influence.